Finding Solutions through World-class Research

At the School of Engineering we are in the business of challenging the impossible. Here you will approach some of the world’s biggest problems under the guidance of faculty who are recognized as global leaders in biomedical, civil, electrical and mechanical engineering.

At Catholic University, you will conduct research at the highest level.

  • Collaborate with researchers at U.S. Navy facilities working on artificial intelligence and robotics.
  • Advance discoveries in tissue remodeling alongside faculty at the National Institutes of Health.
  • Design new systems in aerospace engineering with experts at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

It is here, in state-of-the-art facilities on campus and throughout Washington D.C., under some of those most brilliant minds in engineering, that you will thrive — preparing for the future you want and moving the world forward with each new discovery.

Engineering Faculty Profiles

Faculty Profiles

The School of Engineering faculty are performing cutting-edge research and are passionate about sharing their knowledge with students.

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Student doing research

Areas of Research

Explore our many areas of research, from robotics to biomechanics to computational informatics, construction management, nanotechnology, and beyond.

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University Research Day

University Research Day

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