Sang Wook Lee’s research interest includes biomechanics of hand and upper extremity, and rehabilitation of neurologically impaired patients. He is also interested in developing proactive ergonomic solutions to work-related hand disorders based on biomechanical analyses of hand and upper extremity musculature. He is a member of the American Society of Biomechanics and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Recent Publications
Lee, SW, Qiu D, Fischer HC, Conrad MO, Kamper DG. 2020. Modulation of finger muscle activation patterns across postures is coordinated across all muscle groups, J Neurophysiol 124: 330-341.
Nguyen H, Vemillion BC, Lee SW. 2019. Effects of task dynamics on coordination of the hand muscles and their adaptation to targeted muscle assistance, J Biomech 97: 109355.
Vermillion BC, Dromerick AW, Lee SW. 2019. Restoring task mechanics of functional hand tasks for stroke survivors by counteracting subject-specific impairments, IEEE Trans Neural SystRehabil Eng 27: 1606-1616.
Lee SW, Vermillion BC, Geed S, Dromerick AD, Kamper DG. 2018. Impact of targeted assistance of multiarticular finger musculotendons on the coordination of finger muscles during isometric force production, IEEE Tran Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 26: 619-628.
Roh J, Lee SW, Wilger K. 2018. Modular organization of exploratory force development under isometric conditions in the human arm, J Motor Behav 51: 83-99.