Diffusion Gradient Formation with a Novel Chemotaxis Device for Potential Research with Metastatic Cancer Treatment

Students: Jessica Le, Michael Taylor, Lauren Tigani
Advisor: Dr. Otto Wilson, Dr. Christopher Raub

To combat the devastating effects of metastasis, this research focused on developing a chemotaxis
device that can be used to visualize the movement of cancer cells in an effort to advance the treatment
of metastatic cancer. Previous chemotaxis devices do not offer a method for obtaining real-time
qualitative differences in the methods of cell migration exhibited. Specifically, no devices offer a method
for evaluating both individual and multicellular-migratory pathways - a novel feature of this device.
Previous proof of concept testing has shown the device capable of developing the gradient necessary for
further research with cancer cells. Additionally, by introducing varying time points and independent
distances into diffusion and convection-diffusion equations, a family of graphs was created to
understand the device’s diffusion behavior. Due to the aforementioned success of the device, future
research with cancer cells is expected to offer data regarding cell migration pathways as well as cancer
treatment strategies.

Icarus Bone Saw Attachment: Enabling Surgical Bone Saws to Distinguish Between Bone and Soft Tissues

Students: Claire Sturek, Mario Echevarria, Christian Obuchowski
Advisor: Dr. Otto Wilson, Dr. Christopher Raub

Patients born with congenital heart defects often require multiple reconstructive surgeries. In secondary
reconstructions, surgeons must navigate around calcified scar tissues and breastbone-tissue adhesions.
This increases the duration of surgeries, the risk of hemorrhage, and the incidence of surgical bypass.
The present study aims to create an attachment that enables current bone saws to distinguish between
tissues and minimize unintentional damage. The device first measures optical intensities of reflected red
(670 nm) and green (530 nm) light with photodiodes. The photodiodes create a voltage ratio which is
used as a threshold. Arduino integrates this information and activates a spring-motor mechanism that
stops the motion of the saw when the threshold is surpassed. Feasibility testing was performed on deer
and cattle carcasses. Ergonomics were optimized by minimizing size and removing need for power
chords. Further performance testing in animal studies at Children’s National Hospital was planned but
canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Wristband Camera for Tracking Thumb Movement

Students: Khaled Almutairi, Fahad Alhuthaifi, Khue Phan, Van Lam
Advisor: Dr. Peter Lum

The carpometacarpal (CMC) joint controls flexion, extension, abduction, adduction and rotation of
thumb. As cell phone use is increasing, there are numerous reports that highlight thumb related
problems such as thumb arthritis and inflammation of the CMC joint. Our device is a small camera that is
put in a case and mounted on a tennis wristband which can record the movement of the CMC Joint for
at least thirty minutes per day without affecting daily life activities. We will perform an experiment using
2 healthy individuals to compare thumb use during a period of studying activities under two conditions.
In one condition, the individuals will have access to their cell phones and use them normally. In the
control condition, their cell phones will not be available. We will perform a statistical test to compare
the number of thumb movements between the two conditions in order to determine how cell phone
use contributes to repetitive based thumb injuries.

Golf Assistive Device for Hand Transplants

Students: Caroline O’Connor, Kaelin Martin, Ayda Rajab
Advisor: Dr. Gregory Behrmann, Dr. Peter Lum, Dr. Barbara Springer, and Nicole Larsen

Our group was tasked to design a golf assistive device that allows the user to be able to play golf with
minimal to no functionality of their arms and hands. The device is comfortable, detachable and prevents
wobble during swing.  Our goal is to create a novel prototype that allows the user to play golf, to gain
more control while playing, and also to make the device non-obtrusive.  The prototype is comprised of a
thermoplastic polyurethane tube, with standard golf grip pattern moldings, and two extra-large golf
gloves.  The grip and the gloves have Neodymium 52 magnets that attach both components together
when device is in use.  A rock test was conducted to test magnetic strength, and the stress rate
calculated showed that all the device components will stay attached during a golf swing. Our prototype
is significant and innovative because it is lightweight and not bulky, and establishes independence.

Force and Depth Sensibility for an Automated CPR Device for Pediatric Patients

Students: Alexander Mulyk, Reem Danish, Shouq Aldosari, Malak Alharbi
Advisor: Dr. Christopher Raub

During a coronary bypass surgery a portion of the circulatory system is bypassed by rerouting the blood
into a heart-lung machine to oxygenate and circulate the blood. Currently there are no commercial CPR
machines for children which monitor the depth of compression and the force applied to the patient. The
goal of this project is to develop systems that have the ability to measure the force and depth of
compressions generated by a pre-existing automated CPR device developed at Children’s National
Hospital. The design consists of the Intel Real Sense Depth Camera D435 to accurately measure the
depth of compressions for a wide range of patients. The second component of the design is an Arduino
3D printed strain gauge force sensor (up to 20 kg). Both systems are designed to output all of their
recorded measurements into a graphical display. Each of the devices will be integrated into their current
gantry and are designed to work smoothly with their existing system.

Quantitative Microscope to Detect Nanostructural Alignment using Polarized Microscopy

Students: Alejandro Ros, Adam Connway
Advisor: Dr. Christopher Raub

The purpose of our design project was to design microscope parts in order to create improved
quantitative nanostructural maps of birefringent tissue under a polarized-light microscope. Optical
properties related to birefringence, diattenuation and retardance can help researchers map quantitative
nanostructural components of tissue samples under a microscope. The polarization characteristics of a
sample are characterized by its Mueller matrix. The Mueller matrix is a 4x4 matrix that transforms
incident Stokes vectors into existing Stokes vectors with each element seen as a coupling between
corresponding vector elements. By calculating the Mueller matrices of each sample we will be able to
collect polarization properties that portray structural information about the sample. The polarization
properties will be measured using two quarter wave plates, two depolarizing lenses, and a green filter to
direct the incident light at certain angles in order to calibrate the polarization components. This system
will allow researchers will be able to determine the polarization properties of tissue samples in order to
gather nanostructural information.

Wearable Magnetoresistive Sensor Device to Monitor Contractility of Infant’s Heart Post Heart Surgery

Students: Daniel Ennis, Sabrina Scott, Yousef Sindi
Advisor: Dr. Christopher Raub and Dr. Can Yerebakan

A majority of infants suffering with congenital heart defects (CHDs) will require open heart surgery. Our
efforts focus on developing a device that would accurately monitor heart contractility at home during
the recovery period. We aim to accomplish this through the use of a small magneto resistive sensor and
a ring magnet. The sensor will be worn on the chest of the patient, and the small ring magnet is sutured
to a heart chamber (the aorta). The contractility of the infant’s heart is monitored through the detection
of changes in magnetic field strength between the sensor and the magnet when the magnet. Advanced
3D printing software and materials will provide us with the chance to collect new, more realistic data
that can grant insight into how this idea may become a reality that can save hundreds of lives. Benchtop
tests with an artificial heart and pumps to collect critical data for accurately monitoring device
performance will be conducted in the future.