The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers a PhD program in Materials Science and Engineering. All the details are here.
Points of contact:
- Dr. Joseph Vignola (Assoc. Prof. and Chair of Department of Mechanical Engineering) vignola@cua.edu
- Dr. Sergio Picozzi (Clinical Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering Department) picozzi@cua.edu
- Dr. Jandro Abot (Assoc. Prof. of Department of Mechanical Engineering) abot@cua.edu
- Dr. Chuan-Fu Lin (Asst. Prof. of Department of Mechanical Engineering) linc@cua.edu
- Dr. Xiaolong Luo (Assoc. Prof. of Department of Mechanical Engineering) luox@cua.edu
- Dr. Santiago Solares (Ord. Prof. of Department of Mechanical Engineering) solares@cua.edu