On Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024, the School of Engineering hosted the fourth annual Hard Hat Ceremony and Senior Design Poster Exhibition in Heritage Hall, Father O’Connell Hall. Freshmen students from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering received an honorary hard hat and safety vest to celebrate their entry into the engineering profession. Dean John Judge offered some remarks, welcoming the guests to campus and providing motivating words to the students. University Chaplain and Vice President of Ministry and Mission, Rev. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P. blessed the hard hats with holy water as a symbol of the divine protection that these items offer and represent.
In addition, School of Engineering seniors had an opportunity to share the work they have completed thus far on the Senior Design Capstone Projects with students, parents, faculty, alumni, and employers. Approximately three hundred guests were in attendance, providing them a great opportunity to present their projects and network. Some of the key employers who helped sponsor this year’s capstone projects and the overall event, included: Clark Construction Group, James G. Davis Construction Corporation, Whiting-Turner Contracting Co., Michael Baker International, and Telligent Masonry, LLC. This annual event provides seniors an opportunity to present and communicate their design work, as well as a platform to network and market their skills in engineering, leadership, and teamwork.
It was an engaging evening that celebrated the arrival of our first-year students, as well as the hard work and accomplishments of our seniors. Events like this display the abundant opportunities available for engineering students, further inspiring excitement and dedication to pursuing this education and career path. The School of Engineering regularly hosts events like this to provide students with an environment that encourages them to grow intellectually and professionally; ultimately, preparing them to confidently enter the workforce and succeed in their career.
If you are interested in supporting the School of Engineering and our students, please contact Genevieve Montgomery (montgomeryg@cua.edu).