Research Areas
- Molecular Computing offers many benefits including parallelism and self-assembly. Individual building blocks such as amino acids, RNA or DNA can be programmed and self-assemble into trillions of individual circuits simultaneously in milliliter reaction volumes. Each circuit can then execute its own function independent of other circuits, creating massive parallelism to solve a set of coordinated computations in parallel.
- DNA Nanotechnology provides a means to design, program, and manufacture artificial nucleic acid structures for technological uses. Nucleic acids (RNA/DNA) are utilized as non-biological engineering materials rather than as the carriers of genetic information in living cells. With four excellent properties (self-assembly, programmability, predictability, and molecular recognition), DNA is the molecular choice for building next-generation nano-bio-opto-magneto-electronics from the bottom-up.
- Synthetic Biology provides a means to design, program and fabricate biological components that do not already exist in the natural system via applying engineering principles to biology. In essence, our group aims to re-design of existing biological systems for useful purposes. Ultimately, we seek to build artificial biological systems for research, engineering and medical applications.