Dr. George Nehmetallah is currently an Ordinary Professor in the EECS department at CUA. From 2011-2012, He was at the University of Dayton (UD) as a Research Professor. Prior to this, he was a post-Doctoral Researcher and Research Engineer with UD. His research has been funded by NSF, NASA, Air Force, Army, ONR, and DARPA. His research interests are in 3D imaging, computational imaging using machine learning, interferometry, diffraction tomography, and holographic and ptychographic microscopy. He has authored a book on Analog and Digital holography with MATLAB® and published more than 190 refereed journal papers, review articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings. I am a senior member of OPTICA/ SPIE. Over my career, I have received around $6.2 Million in grant money as a PI, $1.25 Million as a Co-PI, and $225k dollars as a Senior Collaborator.
Selected Publications
- Quang Trieu and George Nehmetallah, “Deep Learning Based Coherence Holography (DCH) Reconstruction of 3D Objects,” Applied Optics 63(7) B1-B15 (2023).
- Santiago O. Correa, Elizabeth G. Staten, George Nehmetallah, Christopher B. Raub, “BioprintingInexpensive bioprinting on a microscope using liquid crystal displays and visible light,” to Bioprinting, 35 e00305 (2023).
- Brad Bazow, Thuc Phan, Christopher B. Raub, And George Nehmetallah “3D Refractive Index Estimation Based on Deep-Inverse Partially-Coherent Optical Diffraction Tomography (Deep-PCODT)” Optics Express, 31(17) 28382-28399 (2023).
- Rafael Moreno, Michael Smith, Samuel Atwood, and George Nehmetallah, “Developing Data-Driven Artificial Neural Networks for a High Throughput Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth and Surface Temperature of Mars,” The Planetary Science Journal, 3:230 (8pp), October (2022).
- Thuc Phan, Dat Tran, Jaime Esper, Conor Nixon, and George Nehmetallah, “Circular multireflection cell for midinfrared laser spectroscopic trace gas analysis,” Opt. Eng. 61(8), 085104 (2022), doi: 10.1117/1.OE.61.8.085104.
- Dat Tran, Shahid Aslam, Perry A. Gerakines, Daniel P. Glavin, Qian Gong, Nicolas P. Gorius, John R. Kolasinski, James E. Parker, Todd C. Purser, Gerry T. Quilligan, Ariel Siguelnitzky, Donald C. Wegel, and George Nehmetallah, “Gas Analyzer for Monitoring H2O and CO2 Partial Pressures in Space Instrumentation,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 22(13), 12576-12587 (2022) [doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2022.3177079].
- Van K. Lam, Thuc Phan, Khanh Ly, Xiaolong Luo, George Nehmetallah, and Christopher B. Raub, “A dual-modality digital holographic and polarization microscope to quantify phase and birefringence signals in biospecimens with complex microstructure,” Optics Express 13(2) 805-823 (2022).
- Brad Bazow, Thuc Phan, Christopher B. Raub, and George Nehmetallah, “Computational Multi wavelength (MW) Phase Synthesis Using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs),” [Invited], Applied Optics, 61(5), B132-B146 (2022).
- Ruby Huynh, George Nehmetallah, and Christopher Raub “Mueller matrix polarimetry and decomposition of articular cartilage in reflectance,” Biomedical Optics Express 12(8) 5160-5178 (2021).
- Dat Tran, Nicolas Gorius, Shahid Aslam, and George Nehmetallah, “Parallel computation of CRC-code on an FPGA platform for high data throughput,” Electronics, 10 (866) (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10070866.
- Sarah Alsharif, Pooja Sharma , Karina Bursch, Rachel Milliken, Meagan Collins, Van Lam, Arwa Fallatah, Thuc Phan, Priya Dohlman, Georges Nehmetallah, Christopher B. Raub and Byung Min Chung , “Keratin 19 maintains E-cadherin localization at the cell surface and stabilizes cell-cell adhesion of MCF7cells,” Cell Adhesion & Migration, 15(1) 1-17 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1080/19336918.2020.1868694
- Brad Bazow, Thuc Phan, Thanh Nguyen, Christopher Raub, And George Nehmetallah, “Simulation of digital holographic recording and reconstruction using a generalized matrix method,” Applied Optics 60(4) A21-A36 (2020).
- Van Lam, Pooja Sharma, Thanh Nguyen, George Nehmetallah, Christopher Raub, Byung Min Chung, “Morphology, Motility, and Cytoskeletal Architecture of Breast Cancer Cells Depend on Keratin 19 and Substrate,” Cytometry A 97(11) 1145-1155 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1002/cyto.a.24011
- Thanh Nguyen, Vy Bui, Anh Thai, Van Lam, Christopher Raub, Lin-Ching Chang, George Nehmetallah, “Virtual organelle self-coding for fluorescence imaging via adversarial learning,” J. Biomed. Opt. 25(9), 096009 (2020), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.25.9.096009.
- Jonathan G. Hixson, Brian P Teaney, John J. Graybeal, George Nehmetallah, “Analysis and modeling of observer performance while using an infrared imaging system,” Optical Engineering, 59(3), 033106 (2020).
- Van Lam, Thanh Nguyen, Byung-Min Chung, Lin-Ching Chang, George Nehmetallah, Christopher B. Raub, “Quantitative scoring of epithelial and mesenchymal qualities of cancer cells using machine learning and quantitative phase imaging,” J. Biomed. Opt. 25(2), 026002 (2020).
- Ruby Huynh, Benjamin Pesante, George Nehmetallah, and Christopher Raub, “Polarized reflectance from articular cartilage depends upon superficial zone collagen network microstructure,” Biomedical Optics Express 10(11) 5518-5534 (2019).
- Van Lam, Thanh Nguyen, Thuc Phan, Byung Min Chung, George Nehmetallah, and Christopher Raub, “ Machine Learning with Optical Phase Signatures for Phenotypic Profiling of Cell Lines,” Cytometry A, 95A:757-768 (2019). ISSN: 1552-4922 , 1552-4930; DOI: 10.1002/cyto.a.23774
- B. L. Preece, D. Haefner, G. Nehmetallah, “Experimentally measuring a detectability index of a computational imaging system,” Applied Optics 58(10) 2446-2455 (2019).
- T. Nguyen, Y. Xue, Y. Li, L. Tian, and G. Nehmetallah, “A deep learning approach for Fourier ptychography microscopy,” Optics Express, 26(20), 26470-26484 (2018).
- T. Dilazaro and G. Nehmetallah, “Phase‐noise model for actively‐linearized FMCW ladar,” Appl. Optics 57(21), 6260-6268 (2018).
- J. Perea, B. Libbey, and G. Nehmetallah, “Multi-axis heterodyne vibrometer for simultaneous observation of 5 degrees of dynamic freedom from a single beam,” Optics Lett. 43(13), 3120-3123 (2018).
- T. Nguyen, V. Bui, and G. Nehmetallah, “Computational Optical Tomography Using 3D Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs),” Optical Engineering 57(4), 043111 (April 2018).
- V. K. Lam, T.C. Nguyen, B. M. Chung, G. Nehmetallah, and Christopher B. Raub, “Quantitative assessment of cancer cell morphology and movement using telecentric digital holographic microscopy and machine learning,” Cytometry A, 93(3) 334-345 (2018).
- T. Dilazaro and G. Nehmetallah, “Large volume, low cost remote precision FMCW tomography using stitching DFBs,” Optic Express, 26(3), 2891-2904 (2018).
- B. L. Preece and G. Nehmetallah, “A Standardized Target Specific Detectivity Metric for Computational Imaging Systems,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 34(9), 1687-1696 (2017).
- T. Nguyen, V. Bui, V. Lam, C. B. Raub, L-C Chang, and G. Nehmetallah, “Automatic phase aberration compensation for digital holographic microscopy based on deep learning background detection,” Opt. Exp., 25(13) 15043-15057 (2017).
- R. N. Huynh, G. Nehmetallah, C. B. Raub, “Noninvasive surface damage assessment of bovine articular cartilage explants by reflected polarized light microscopy,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 22(6),065001-12 (2017).
- J. Perea and G. Nehmetallah, “Phase resolved heterodyne shearographic vibrometer for observation of transient surface motion: Theory and model,” Optics Express 25(6) 6169-6181 (2017).
- T. Dilazaro and G. Nehmetallah, “Multi-terahertz high-resolution optical frequency domain reflectometry using a directly modulated distributed feedback laser array,” Optics Express 25(3) 2327-2340 (2017).
- A. Agrawal, T. J. Pfefer, P. Woolliams, H. Tomlins, G. Nehmetallah, “Methods to Assess Sensitivity of Optical Coherence Tomography Systems,” Biomedical Optics Express 8(2) 902-917 (2017).
- A. Thai, D. Tran, T. Nguyen, and G. Nehmetallah, “Comparative Analysis and implementation of a low cost, flexible, and full 3D imaging system based on fringe projection profilometry,” Asian Journal of Physics, 26(2), 95-116 (2017). (Review paper)
- G. Nehmetallah and T. Nguyen, “Latest Advances in Fast Tomographic 3D Phase Retrieval Using the TI Equation,” Asian Journal of Physics, 26(2), 71-93 (2017). (Review paper)
- G. Nehmetallah, L. Williams, T. Nguyen, Han Li, and S. Mathews, “Latest advances in single and ultiwavelength digital holography and holographic microscopy,” Asian Journal of Physics, 25(4 and 5) 609-630 (2016). (Review paper)
- P. Soltani, A. Darudi, G. Nehmetallah, A. R. Moradi, J. Amiri, “Accurate Testing of Aspheric Surfaces Using the Transport of Intensity Equation by Properly Selecting the Defocusing Distance,” Appl. Opt. Applied Optics 55(35) 10067-10072 (2016).
- T. Nguyen, G. Nehmetallah, C. Raub, S. Mathews, and R. Aylo, “Accurate quantitative phase digital holographic microscopy with single and multiwavelength telecentric and non-telecentric configurations,” Appl. Opt. 55(24) 5666-5683 (2016).
- G. Nehmetallah, J. Khoury, Mohammad Alam, P. P. Banerjee, “Photorefractive two-beam coupling joint transform correlator: performance and comparison with optimal filter correlators,” Appl. Opt. 55 (15) 4011-4023 (2016).
- T. C. Nguyen, G. Nehmetallah, “Non-Interferometric Tomography of Phase Objects Using Spatial Light Modulators,” Journal of Imaging 2(30) 1-16 (2016).
- T. Nguyen, G. Nehmetallah, D. Tran, A. Darudi, and P. Soltani, “Fully Automated, High Speed, Tomographic Phase Object Reconstruction Using the Transport of Intensity Equation In Transmission and Reflection Configurations,” Appl. Opt. 54(35), 10443-10453 (2015).
- G. Nehmetallah, P. Banerjee, and J. Khoury, “Adaptive defect detection in amplitude and phase structures via photorefractive four-wave mixing,” Appl. Opt. 54(32), 9622-9629 (2015).
- L. A. Williams, G. Nehmetallah, R. Aylo, and P.P. Banerjee, “Application of up-sampling and resolution scaling to Fresnel reconstruction of digital holograms,” Appl. Opt. 54, 1443-1452 (2015) (cover page).
- R. Aylo, G. Nehmetallah, H. Li, P. P. Banerjee, “Multilayer Periodic and Random Metamaterial Structures: Analysis and Applications,” IEEE Access, 2, 437-450 (2014).
- L. Williams, P. P. Banerjee, G. Nehmetallah, S. Praharaj, “Holographic volume displacement calculations via multi-wavelength digital holography,” Appl. Opt., 53, 1597-1603 (2014).
- L. Williams, G. Nehmetallah, and P. P. Banerjee, “Digital tomographic compressive holographic reconstruction of three-dimensional objects in transmissive and reflective geometries,” Appl. Opt, 52, 1702-1710 (2013). (Also Published in the Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics, vol 8 (4), 2013) (Top Download Nov 2014).
- G. Nehmetallah, P. P. Banerjee, “Applications of digital and analog holography in 3d imaging,” Advances in Optics and Photonics, 4, 472–553 (2012).(Top Download May 2013, and Nov 2014).
- G. Nehmetallah, R. Aylo, P. Powers, A. Sarangan, J. Gao, H. Li, A. Achari and P.P. Banerjee, “Co-sputtered SiC + Ag nanomixtures as visible wavelength negative index metamaterials,” Opt. Express, 20, 7095-7100 (2012).
- G. Nehmetallah, P. P. Banerjee, "3D visualization using pulsed and CW digital holographic tomography techniques," COL, 9, 120004-120006 (2011).
- G. Nehmetallah, R. Aylo, and P. P. Banerjee, “Binary and core-shell nanoparticle dispersed liquid crystal cells for metamaterial applications,” J. of Nanophotonics 5051603 (2011).
- R. Aylo, P. P. Banerjee and G. Nehmetallah, “Perturbed multilayered structures of positive and negative index materials,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 27, 599-604 (2010).
- P. Banerjee, R. Aylo, G. Nehmetallah, “Baseband and envelope propagation in media modeled by a class of complex dispersion relations”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 25 990-994 (2008).
- P. P. Banerjee, G. Nehmetallah, N. Kukhtarev, S.C. Praharaj, “Determination of model airplane attitudes using dynamic holographic interferometry”, Appl. Opt., 47 3877-3885 (2008).
- P. P. Banerjee and G. Nehmetallah, “Spatial and spatio-temporal solitary waves and their stabilization in nonlinear negative index materials,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 24, 69-76 (2007).
- P.P. Banerjee and G. Nehmetallah, “Linear and nonlinear propagation in negative index materials,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 23, 2348-2355 (2006).
- G. Nehmetallah, and P. P. Banerjee, “Stabilization of a (D+1)-dimensional dispersion managed solitons in Kerr media by an alternating dispersion structure,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 23, 203-211 (2006).
- G. Nehmetallah, and P. P. Banerjee, “Numerical modeling of spatiotemporal solitons using an adaptive spherical Fourier Bessel split step method,” Opt. Comm. 257, 197-205 (2006).
- G. Nehmetallah, and P. P. Banerjee, “Numerical modeling of (D+1)-dimensional solitons in a sign alternating nonlinear medium using an adaptive fast Hankel split step method,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 22, 2200-2207 (2005).
- P. P. Banerjee, G. Nehmetallah, and M. Chatterjee, “Numerical modeling of cylindrically symmetric nonlinear self-focusing using an adaptive fast Hankel split-step method,” Opt. Comm. 249, 293-300 (2005).
- A. El-Hajj, K. Y. Kabalan, and G. Nehmetallah “Moment method solution of a partially filled parallel plate-fed antenna”, AJSE 28, 2B, 221-232, October (2003). Books 1. G. Nehmetallah, R. Aylo and L. Williams, “Analog and Digital Holography With MATLAB®, SPIE Press, Bellingham, Washington, 2015.
1. G. Nehmetallah, R. Aylo and L. Williams, “Analog and Digital Holography With MATLAB®, SPIE Press, Bellingham, Washington, 2015.
Book Chapters
1. Van Lam, Brad Bazow, Thuc Phan, George Nehmetallah, and Christopher B. Raub, DHM use in phenotypic profiling, in Methods in (Molecular Biology), Springer 2024.
2. Brad Bazow, Thuc Phan, Thanh Nguyen, Van Lam, Anyu Sun, Lin-Ching Chang, Christopher B. Raub, and George Nehmetallah, Machine Learning Techniques Applied to Digital Holography, in (Holography and Speckle Wolfgang Osten Yuhong Bai Editors A Review of 60 Successful Years)(Chap 16): ISBN-13: 9783031368776, Springer Nature Switzerland 1st ed. 2024.
3. Bazow, B., Lam, V.K., Phan, T., Chung, B.M., Nehmetallah, G., Raub, C.B. (2023). Digital Holographic Microscopy to Assess Cell Behavior. In: Friedrich, O., Gilbert, D.F. (eds) Cell Viability Assays. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2644. Humana, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-3052-5_16
4. George Nehmetallah, Logan Williams, and Thanh Nguyen, "Latest Advances In Single and Multiwavelength Digital Holography and Holographic Microscopy" published in the Open Access book, “Augmented Reality and Its Application” ISBN: 978-1-83969-704-3.
5. G. Nehmetallah and P. P. Banerjee “Study of Soliton stabilization in (D+1) dimensions using novel analytical and numerical techniques” in Nonlinear Optics and applications, 2007, Editors: Hossin A. Abdeldayem and Donald O. Frazier. ISBN 978-81-308-0173-5.