Prof. Picozzi teaches most graduate courses in the Materials Science and Engineering Master’s Program, as well as some undergraduate/graduate courses in Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering & Computer Science. He serves as Associate Director of Materials Science and Engineering, and Director of the Additive Manufacturing Laboratory. Prof. Picozzi’s research activities have included nanotechnology, stress and fracture in solids, statistical and nuclear physics, and applications of physics to economics and finance. Currently he is involved in helping establish a research program in Additive Manufacturing, and he has been developing and offering courses on the subject. He has also been developing and offering new courses in Electrical Engineering. Additionally, Prof. Picozzi serves the School of Engineering in areas such as mentoring, recruitment, and outreach.
Selected Publications
- Sorrentino, D. Tolic, R. Fierro, S. Picozzi, J.R. Gordon, and A. Mammoli, "Stability Analysis of a Model for the Market Dynamics of a Smart Grid”, Proceedings of 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, held in Florence, Italy, December 2013
- A. Shams, S. Picozzi, and F. B. Malik, “A Study of Colossal Magnetoresistance Using Maximum Entropy Principle”, Physica B 352, 269 (2004)
- Scafetta, S. Picozzi, B.J. West, "An Out-Of-Equilibrium Model of the Distributions of Wealth”, Quantitative Finance 4, 353 (2004)
- Scafetta, B.J. West, S. Picozzi, "A Trade-Investment Model for Distribution of Wealth”, Physica D 193, 338 (2004)
- Picozzi and B. J. West, "Fractional Langevin Model of Memory in Financial Markets”, Phys.Rev.E 66, 046118 (2002)
- J. West and S. Picozzi, "Fractional Langevin Model of Memory in Financial Time Series”, Phys.Rev.E 65, 037106 (2002)
- Edwards, S. Picozzi, I. Reichstein, Z. Shehadeh and F. B. Malik, “Atomic and Nuclear Clusters”, G. S. Anagnostatos and W. Von Oertzen, eds. (Springer-Verlag 1993) p. 34