Professor Herrmann’s research, service, and teaching activities have established him as a leader in the following areas: (1) developing novel mathematical models to improve public health preparedness, (2) describing and modeling engineering design decision-making processes, and (3) using risk-based techniques to improve path planning for autonomous systems. He has published over 100 journal papers and refereed conference papers and fifteen book chapters, co-authored an engineering design textbook, edited two handbooks, authored a textbook on engineering decision making and risk management, and written a book on metareasoning. Before joining the Catholic University of America, Professor Herrmann was at the University of Maryland, College Park, where he had a joint appointment in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Institute for Systems Research. In 2003, Dr. Herrmann received the Society of Manufacturing Engineers Jiri Tlusty Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award; in 2013, he was named a Diplomate of the Society for Health Systems. In 2016, his textbook Engineering Decision Making and Risk Management won the IIE/Joint Publishers Book of the Year award. He is a member of Society of Catholic Scientists, IISE, ASME, and the Design Society.
Selected Publications
1. Herrmann, Jeffrey W., Metareasoning for Robots: Adapting in Dynamic and Uncertain Environments, Springer Nature, 2023.
2. Herrmann, Jeffrey W., Engineering Decision Making and Risk Management, John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2015.
3. Lancaster, Greg, and Jeffrey W. Herrmann, “Computer Simulation of the Effectiveness of Novel Cardiac Arrest Response Systems,” Resuscitation Plus, Volume 7, September 2021.
4. Estefany Carrillo, Mohamed Khalid M. Jaffar, Sharan Nayak, Ruchir Patel, Suyash Yeotikar, Shapour Azarm, Jeffrey W. Herrmann, Michael Otte, and Huan Xu, “Communication-Aware Multi-Agent Metareasoning for Decentralized Task Allocation,” IEEE Access, Volume 9, pp. 98712-98730, 2021.
5. Nayak, Sharan, Suyash Yeotikar, Estefany Carrillo, Eliot Rudnick-Cohen, Mohamed Khalid M Jaffar, Ruchir Patel, Shapour Azarm, Jeffrey W. Herrmann, Huan Xu, Michael W. Otte, “Experimental Comparison of Decentralized Task Allocation Algorithms under Imperfect Communication,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Volume 5, Number 2, pages 572-579, April 2020.
6. Samuel T. Langlois, Oghenetekevwe Akoroda, Estefany Carrillo, Jeffrey W. Herrmann, Shapour Azarm, Huan Xu, and Michael Otte, “Metareasoning Structures, Problems, and Modes for Multiagent Systems: A Survey,” IEEE Access, October 5, 2020.
7. Rudnick-Cohen, Eliot S., Jeffrey W. Herrmann, and Shapour Azarm, “Non-Convex Feasibility Robust Optimization via Scenario Generation and Local Refinement,” Journal of Mechanical Design, 2019.
8. Gralla, Erica L., Jeffrey W. Herrmann, and Michael Morency, “Design problem decomposition: an empirical study of small teams of facility designers,” Research in Engineering Design, 2018.