Chuan-Fu Lin joined the faculty of the School of Engineering’s Department of Mechanical Engineering as an Assistant Professor in August 2019. Before he joined CUA, he was a research faculty member at the University of Maryland, College Park since 2017. One of Dr. Lin’s research directions is to develop next-generation energy storage systems through materials innovations and integrations to deliver lower-cost, and eco-friendly energy storage technology for electronics, electric vehicles, and micro-grids. Besides, he also investigates materials properties (mechanical, electrical, electrochemical) of newly synthesized materials. Dr. Lin is the founder and the director of the “Materials Innovation Laboratory for Energy and Advanced Manufacturing”, to work on developing novel materials for the broad fields of engineering, emphasizing on the energy and manufacturing challenges. Dr. Lin has been collaborated with several major battery manufacturers, and with other research groups nationally and internationally. And his research has been supported by Department of Energy, and National Science Foundation.Selected Publications
- Chuan-Fu Lin,* Yue Qi, Keith Gregorcyzk, Sangbok Lee, Gary W. Rubloff, “Nanoscale Protection Layers To Mitigate Degradation in High-Energy Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems”, Acct. of Chem. Res., 51. 97-106, (2018)
- Chuan-Fu Lin, Xiulin Fan, A. Pearse, K. Gregorcyzk, Gary. Rubloff, Chunsheng Wang, Malachi Noked, Highly reversible conversion-type FeOF composite electrode with extended lithium insertion by ALD LiPON protection, Chem. Mater. (2017) 29 (20) pp 8780-8791
- Chuan-Fu Lin*, Malachi Noked, Alexander C. Kozen, Chanyuan Liu, Oliver Zhao, Keith Gregorczyk, Liangbing Hu, Sang Bok Lee, Gary W. Rubloff, “Solid Electrolyte Lithium Phosphous Oxynitride as a Protective Nanocladding Layer for 3D High Capacity Conversion Electrodes”, ACS Nano(2), 2693 (2016)
- Chuan-Fu Lin*, Alexander C. Kozen, Malachi Noked, Chanyuan Liu, Gary W. Rubloff, “Quantifying and Preventing Corrosion from Organic Solvent on Lithium Metal Surface”, Advanced Materials Interface, 1600426 (2016)
- Fei Wang+, Chuan-Fu Lin+, Xiulin Fan, Tao Gao, Gary W. Rubloff, Kang Xu, Chunsheng Wang, “Suppress the Surface Hydrogen Evolution Catalytic Activity in the Aqueous Lithium Ion Batteries”, Submitted (2019)
- Chuan-Fu Lin,* Yue Qi, Keith Gregorcyzk, Sangbok Lee, Gary W. Rubloff, “Nanoscale Protection Layers To Mitigate Degradation in High-Energy Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems”, Acct. of Chem. Res., 51. 97-106, (2018)
- Yang Wang, Chuan-Fu Lin*, Karen Gaskell, Gary Rubloff, Sang Bok Lee*, “Electrochemically Controlled Solid Electrolyte Interphase Layers Enable Superior Li-S Batteries” ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. (2018) 3 [
- Y. Wang, E. Sahadeo, G. Rubloff, Chuan-Fu Lin*, Sang Bok Lee*, “High Capacity Li-S Batteries – A Review on Li Metal Anode Protection”, Journal of Materials Science (Invited, 2018)
- Y. Yao, W. Luo, J. Hayden, Y. Wang, G. W. Rubloff, Chuan-Fu Lin, B. Hu, Epitaxial Welding of Carbon Nanotube Networks for Aqueous Battery Current Collectors, ACS Nano (2018)
- Chuan-Fu Lin, Xiulin Fan, A. Pearse, K. Gregorcyzk, Gary. Rubloff, Chunsheng Wang, Malachi Noked, Highly reversible conversion-type FeOF composite electrode with extended lithium insertion by ALD LiPON protection, Chem. Mater. (2017) 29 (20) pp 8780-8791 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b03058
- A. C. Kozena , Chuan-Fu Lina , O. Zhao, A. J. Pearse, Sang-Bok Lee, Gary W. Rubloff, Malachi Noked, “Stabilization of Lithium Metal Anodes by Hybrid Artificial Solid Electrolyte Interphase”, Chem. Mater. 29(15), pp6298 (2017)
- W. Luo, J. Hayden, S.-H. Jang, Y. Wang, Y. Kuang, Y. Wang, Y. Zhou, G. W. Rubloff, Chuan-Fu Lin,* L. Hu* Highly Conductive, Light Weight, Robust, Corrosion-Resistance, Scalable, All-Fiber Based Current Collectors for Aqueous Batteries, Adv. Energy Mater. (2017)
- Chuan-Fu Lin*, Sz-Chian Liou, Malachi Noked, Wen-An Chiou and Gary Rubloff, Electron Microscopy Study of ALD Protective Coating on the FeOF Electrode, Microscopy & Microanalysis (2017)
- A. Pearse, T. Schmitt, E. Fuller, F. E. Gabaly, Chuan-Fu Lin, K. Gerasopoulos, A. Kozen, A. A. Talin, G. Rubloff, K. Gregorcyzck, Nanoscale Solid State Batteries Enabled By Thermal Atomic Layer Deposition of a Lithium Polyphosphazene Solid State Electrolyte, Chem. Mater. 29 (8), pp 3740 (2017)
- W. Luo, Y. Gong, Y. Zhu, Y. Li, Y. Yao, Y. Zhang, K. Fu, G. Pastel, Chuan-Fu Lin, G. W. Rubloff, Y. Mo, E. D.Wachsman, L. Hu, Reducing Interfacial Resistance between Garnet-Structured Solid-State Electrolyte and Li-Metal Anode by a Germanium Layer, Adv. Mater. (2017)
- S-C Liou, Chuan-Fu Lin, W-A Chiou, G Rubloff, A Novel Approach in Sample Preparation of Li Content Materials for TEM Research, Microscopy & Microanalysis (2017) 2016
- Wei Luo , Chuan-Fu Lin,* Oliver Zhao, Malachi Noked, Ying Zhang, Jiaqi Dai, Gary W. Rubloff, Liangbing Hu* “Ultrathin Surface Coating to Enable the Stable Sodium Metal Anode” Advanced Energy Materials, 1601526 (2016)
- Chuan-Fu Lin*, Malachi Noked, Alexander C. Kozen, Chanyuan Liu, Oliver Zhao, Keith Gregorczyk, Liangbing Hu, Sang Bok Lee, Gary W. Rubloff, “Solid Electrolyte Lithium Phosphous Oxynitride as a Protective Nanocladding Layer for 3D High Capacity Conversion Electrodes”, ACS Nano 10 (2), 2693 (2016) 4
- Chuan-Fu Lin*, Alexander C. Kozen, Malachi Noked, Chanyuan Liu, Gary W. Rubloff, “Quantifying and Preventing Corrosion from Organic Solvent on Lithium Metal Surface”, Advanced Materials Interface, 1600426 (2016) 2015
- A. C. Kozen, A.J. Pearse, Chuan-Fu Lin, Malachi Noked, Gary W. Rubloff, “Atomic Layer Deposition of the Solid Electrolyte LiPON ”, Chemistry of Materials 27 (15), 5324 (2015) (ACS Editor’s choice)
- A. C. Kozen, Chuan-Fu Lin, Xiaogang Han, Alex Pearse, Marshall Schroeder, Liangbing Hu, Sang Bok Lee, Gary Rubloff, Malakhi Noked, “Next-Generation Lithium Metal Anode Engineering via Atomic Layer Deposition”, ACS Nano 9 (6), 5884 (2015)
- H. Jung, C.-F. Lin, K. Gerasopoulos, G. Rubloff, and R. Ghodssi, “A Buckled Membrane Sensor for In-situ Mechanical and Microstructure Analysis of Li-ion battery Electrodes”, Transducers 2015 Technical Digest (2015) 2012-2014
- A. C. Kozen, A. J. Pearse, Chuan-Fu Lin, Marshall A. Schroeder, Malachi Noked, Sang Bok Lee, Gary W. Rubloff, "Atomic Layer Deposition of Ultraclean Lithium Oxide and Lithium Hydroxide" J. Phys. Chem. C 118 (48), pp 27749–27753 (2014)
- Chuan-Fu Lin, Hung-Chih Kan, Kanakaraju Subrumaniam, Chris Richardson, and R J Phaneuf, "Directed Kinetic Self-Assembly of Mounds on Patterned GaAs (001): Tunable Arrangement, Pattern Amplification and Self-Limiting Growth" Nanomaterials 4 (2), 344-354 (2014)
- J. Dash, L. Chen, C. -F Lin, P. -Y Su, T. -M Lu and G. -C. Wang, "Instrument response of reflection high energy electron diffraction pole figure" Applied Surface Science 288, 458-465 (2014)
- Chuan-Fu Lin, Hung-Chih Kan, Kanakaraju Subrumaniam, Chris Richardson, R J Phaneuf, "Evidence for Large Characteristic Length Scale in Growth Instability on GaAs(001)", , J. of Crystal Growth 381, 83-86 (2013)
23. Chuan-Fu Lin, Ajmi BH Hammouda, Hung-Chih Kan, N.C. Bartelt and R. J. Phaneuf, "Directing Self-Assembly of Nanostructures Kinetically: Patterning and the Ehrlich Schwoebel Barrier", Phys. Rev. B. 85,085421 (2012)