Prof. Nieh’s areas of research interests include Energy Systems, Combustion Engineering, Thermal Sciences, Multiphase Mechanics, and Environmental Engineering. He is a scholar and researcher, having authored/co-authored 100+ scientific research papers, 1 college textbook, 1 computer code, and 7 US/Foreign patents. He is the recipient of Lectureship Award of the United Nations, Charles Karman Teaching Excellence Award at School of Engineering/CUA, and Honorary Professorship of 6 universities in Taiwan and China. He initiated and served as the principal investigator of 22 government-funded research projects and 3 industry-funded R&D/Demo projects with a total fund exceeds $4.3M. Being a tenured ordinary professor, he has served five terms (14 years) as the Chairman of Mechanical Engineering Department, three times as CUA Academic Senator, and various Committees of Academic Affairs in the university. He has been an active advocate and speaker on religious freedom, human rights, and China affairs, and a dedicated leader in numerous community events and services. He is a Fellow of CUA Center for Human Rights.Representative Publications
- Alelmi, I. and Nieh, “Calculations and Sensitivity Analysis of Chlorine-, NOx-, and Bromine-Depleting Cycles of Stratospheric Ozone”, J. of Environmental Science and Engineering, Vol. B13, No. 2, pp. 53-69, 2024, doi:10.17265/2162-5263/2024.02.001.
- Wei, L., Alelmi, I. and Nieh, "Effects of Chlorine and Chlorine Monoxides on Stratospheric Ozone Depletion," J. Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 136-153, 2024, doi: 10.4236/acs.2024.141009.
- Alelmi, I., Wei, L. and Nieh, "2-D Modeling and Calculations of Stratospheric Ozone and Influences of Convection, Diffusion, and Time," J. of Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, Vol. 14, pp. 250-276, 2024, https://doi.org/10.4236/acs.2024.142016
- Wei, L., Alelmi, I. and Nieh, "Calculations of Stratospheric Ozone and Effects of Diffusivity." J. of Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 385-400, 2023. doi: 10.4236/acs.2023.133021.
- Alelmi, I., Wei, L., and Nieh, "Modeling, Validation, and Calculations of Stratospheric Ozone Dynamics and Latitudinal Changes," J. of Environmental Science and Engineering, Vol. B12, pp. 265-279, 2023, doi:10.17265/2162-5263/2023.06.003.
- Matthew, O. and Nieh, “Effects of Working Fluids on Combined Cycle integrated with SOFC and ORC for Stationary Power Generation”, Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp.167-185, 2019.
- Matthew, O. and Nieh, “Modeling of Natural Gas Fueled Quadruple Cycle for Power Applications”, Int’al J. of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 43, Issue 21, pp. 10004-10015, 2018.
- Siebert, M. and Nieh, "Measurements of Hydrogen-Enriched Combustion of JP-8 in Open Flame” ASME Journal of Energy Resource Technology, Vol. 139, Issue 1, Research Article 012205 (JERT-16-1308), pp. 1-7, 2017.
- Siebert, M. and Nieh, "Comparison of Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Rich Reformate Enrichment of JP-8 in an Open Flame” Journal of Fuels, Vol. 210, pp. 91-97, 12/2017.
- Siebert, M. and Nieh, "Control of an Air Siphon Atomizing Nozzle Using Hydrogen and Gases Other Than Air”, Int’al Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 41, Issue 1, pp. 683–689, 2016.
- Matthew, O., H. Nguyen, and Nieh, "Analysis of Natural Gas SOFC-GT-ST-ORC Quadruple Cycle for Power Generation”, Proceeding of 47th Power Sources Conference, Section 13.1, pp. 204-207, Orlando, FL, June 13-16, 2016.
- Kimmel, J., T.G. DuBois, and Nieh, ""Effects of Polynuclear Aromatics on Autothermal Reforming of Jet Fuel", Proceeding of 46th Power Sources Conference, Section 13.5, Orlando, FL, June, 2014.
- DuBois, T.G., R. Scenna, J. Kimmel, and Nieh, "Role of Aliphatic and Aromatic Hydrocarbon Compounds on Carbon Formation in JP-8 Fuel Reformers”, Proceeding of 46th Power Sources Conference, Section 16.1, pp. 237-240, Orlando, FL, June, 2014.
- Wolfe, A.K. and Nieh, “Boxcar Model for Teaching Convection & HVAC Topics”, Education & STEM Int’al Conf., http://www.huichawaii.org/steam2014p.html#stem2014wxyz, 2014.
- Scenna, R., T.G. DuBois and Nieh, “Autothermal Reforming Synthetic JP-8 Derived from a Coal Syngas Stream”, J. of Fuels, Vol. 108, pp. 731-739, 6/2013.
- Wolfe, A.K. and Nieh, “A Conceptual Model for Understanding Convective Heat Transfer”, Int’al Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 179-187, 7/2013.
- Siebert, M. and Nieh, "Simulation of Dual Firing of Hydrogen-Rich Reformate and JP-8 Surrogate in a Swirling Combustor”, Int’al Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 38, pp. 5911-5917, 2013.
- Nieh, S., H.S. Coombe, and T.G. DuBois, "Oxygen Enriched Combustion and Autothermal Reforming of Jet Fuels”, Proceeding of 3rd Asia Conference on Innovative Energy and Environmental Chemical Engineering, pp. 356-362, Hualian, Taiwan, 11/11-14/2012.
- DuBois, T.G. and S. Nieh, "Selection and Performance Comparison of Jet Fuel Surrogates for Autothermal Reforming," J. of Fuel, Vol. 90, pp. 1439–1448, 2011.