Professor Solares joined The Catholic University of America in 2023, prior to which he held faculty positions at The George Washington University (2014-2023) and at the University of Maryland, College Park (2006-2014). His research program spans scanning probe microscopies, nanoscale mechanics, multiscale modeling and viscoelastic materials, especially polymers and biological materials. His teaching interests include simulation methods (atomistic to continuum), thermodynamics, mechanics and dynamics. Before joining academia he held various technical and management positions with Pepsi-Cola International and Mars Incorporated.
Selected Publications
1. McCraw, M.R., Uluutku, B., Solomon, H.D., Anderson, M.S., Sarkar, K. and Solares, S.D. “Optimizing the accuracy of viscoelastic characterization with AFM force-distance experiments in the time and frequency domains," Soft Matter 19: 451-467 (2023).
2. Parvini, C.H., Cartagena-Rivera, A.X. and Solares, S.D. “Viscoelastic parametrization of human skin cells to characterize material behavior at multiple timescales,” Comm. Biol. 5: 17 (2022).
3. Maiti, R., Patil, C., Saadi, M.A.S.R., Xie, T., Azadani, J.G., Uluutku, B., Amin, R., Briggs, A.F., Miscuglio, M., Van Thourhout, D., Solares, S.D., Low, T., Agarwal, R., Bank, S.R. and Sorger, V.J. “Strain-engineered high-responsivity MoTe2 photodetector for silicon photonic integrated circuits,” Nat. Photonics 14: 578-584 (2020).
4. López-Guerra, E.A., Shen, H., Solares, S.D. and Shuai, D.M. “Acquisition of time-frequency localized mechanical properties of biofilms and single cells with high spatial resolution,” Nanoscale 11: 8918-8929 (2019).
5. Ezzeldin, H.M., de Tullio, M.D., Vanella, M., Solares, S.D. and Balaras, E. “A strain-based model for mechanical hemolysis based on a coarse-grained red blood cell model,” Annals Biomed. Eng. 43: 1398-1409 (2015).
6. Ebeling, D., Eslami, B. and Solares, S.D. “Visualizing the subsurface of soft matter: simultaneous topographical imaging, depth modulation, and compositional mapping with triple frequency atomic force microscopy,” ACS Nano 7: 10387-10396 (2013).
7. Klimov, N.N., Jung, S., Zhu, S., Li, T., Wright, C.A., Solares, S.D., Newell, D.B., Zhitenev, N.B. and Stroscio, J.A. “Electromechanical Properties of Graphene Drumheads,” Science 336: 1557-1561 (2012).
8. Wright, C.A. and Solares, S.D. “On Mapping Subangstrom Electron Clouds with Force Microscopy,” Nano Lett. 11: 5026-5033 (2011).