After completing his graduate work Joseph Vignola conducted research at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C. His research is focused on structural dynamics and acoustics, MEMS and nanotechnology. This work is laboratory based and principally uses optical measurement systems for studying structural dynamics of micro- and nano-mechanical systems, characterizing physical properties. Over the past five years he has published a number of papers focused on damping mechanisms in micro-systems. Additionally, he has studied nondestructive testing of large-scale systems such as aircraft and submarine structures as well as frescos at the U.S. Capitol.
Representative Publications
J. F. Vignola, J. Judge, A. J. Kurdila, “Spectral shaping of system response using an array of subordinate oscillators” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 126, Is. 1, pp 129-140, July 2009.
J. F. Vignola, J. A. Judge, “Architectural considerations of MEMS resonators for mass detection in the presence of a fluid” submitted to the Journal of Applied Physics, 104, 124305 (2008) also published online in the January 5, 2009 issue of the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.
J. Romano, J. A. Bucaro, P. B. Abraham, J. F. Vignola, “An Application of a Local Inversion Algorithm for Fault Detection Utilizing LDV Measurements” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 121, Nun. 5 May 2007, pages 2667-2672.