(In accordance with preceding guidelines)

Constitution of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) of The Catholic University of America.

Article I

The name of this organization shall be the Society of Women Engineers of The Catholic University of America.

Article II

The purpose of this organization shall be to inform students of the National SWE organization and about women in engineering. Objectives will also include informing students of the qualifications and achievements of women engineers and the opportunities open to them as well as encouraging women engineers to attain high levels of education and professional achievement.

Article III

Section 1. Membership shall consist of members of The Catholic University of America who are undergraduates and are graduates of both genders. They do not have to be in engineering to participate.

Section 2. Members will pay a due to the national society of women engineers.

Article IV

Section 1. The officers of this organization shall be:

  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Treasurer
  4. Secretary

Section 2. Qualifications for each officer are as follows;

  1. Anyone who is elected, preferably an upperclassmen.

Section 3. The duties of the first officer shall include:

President: Be in charge or overseeing and taking leadership for the society. They will schedule meetings, fundraising events and any other activity necessary for the participation of the club.

Section 4. The duties of the second officer shall include:

Vice President: Help out the President in any way necessary.

Section 5. The duties of the third officer shall include:

Treasurer: Assist in financial matters.

Section 6. The duties of the fourth officer shall include:

Secretary: Taking notes at meetings.

Section 7. Executive officers are expected to head committees throughout the year.

Article V

Section 1. Elections will be held at the end of the second semester.

Section 2. Elections will follow these procedures:

  1. Everyone shall vote for who they see fit to handle the position.

Article VII

Section 1. The adviser of this organization shall be a full time member of the faculty, or staff of The Catholic University of America.

Section 2. The adviser will be chosen by the elected president.

Article VIII

Officers shall be removed from office if they are not active and do not participate in the events or feel as if they would like to resign.

Article IX

Proposals for amendments to the constitution shall be made whenever necessary.

Suggested Responsibilities of Organization Officers


  1. To be responsible for the total operation of the organization.
  2. To outline the work of the organization and keep members informed on all matters pertaining to the organization.
  3. To establish committees for special needs and/or programs.
  4. To check on the progress of committee work and meet regularly with committee chairpersons.
  5. To make arrangements for meetings and make sure each member is notified.
  6. To be responsible for seeing that expenditures do not exceed the budget of the organization.
  7. To coordinate recommended committee budgets.
  8. To be responsible for evaluation and annual reports.
  9. To consult regularly with appropriate personnel.

Committee Chairperson:

  1. To select committee members.
  2. To plan and distribute work to be done.
  3. To check on progress of work and to report to president/chairperson regularly.
  4. To be responsible for committee reports.
  5. To make arrangements for committee meetings and make sure each member is
  6. notified.
  7. To be responsible to the committee treasurer for maintaining any budget.
  8. To be responsible to the president/chairperson for the success of committee programs.


  1. To keep a register of members.
  2. To notify members of regular or called meetings.
  3. To keep the constitution, by laws, rules of order and standing rules.
  4. To conduct the correspondence of the organization.
  5. To be responsible for assembling and distributing the agenda for each meeting.
  6. To execute and distribute to all members copies of the minutes of each meeting.
  7. To maintain the files of the organization.


  1. To be in charge of the financial matters of the organization.
  2. To work directly with the appropriate resource personnel and committee chairpersons.
  3. To keep the president/chairperson informed of the financial status of the organization at all times.
  4. To maintain a file of requisitions and accurate books on the disbursements and receipts of the organization.
  5. To give financial reports at meetings.
  6. To assist in compiling the budget for the next year.