Dr. Agbelie joined the Department of Civil Engineering as an assistant professor from Fall 2016. Prior to joining the Catholic University of America (CUA), he was a postdoctoral researcher and a visiting instructor at the Lyles School of Civil Engineering at Purdue University, West Lafayette from 2013 to 2016. He has over 20 years of combined experience as a transportation engineer. His research interests include transportation systems analysis; transportation asset management; transportation safety; transportation economics and finance, policy analysis, and costs analysis of transportation engineering systems. His research work has been supported by various agencies including U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway administration, Indiana Department of Transportation, and the World Bank.
Dr. Agbelie has published 25 peer-reviewed journal articles, 23 conference papers, and 9 technical reports. He is a reviewer for several transportation and infrastructure journals, currently a panel member of four National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) projects from the Transportation Research Board (TRB), and very active in three TRB technical committees: Economics and Finance, Transportation Asset Management. Also, Dr. Agbelie is a Vice Chair for Conferences for the ASCE’s Transportation Development Institute.
Representative Publications
Agbelie, B., (2014), An empirical analysis of three econometric frameworks for evaluating economic impacts of transportation infrastructure expenditures across countries. Transportation Policy 35, 304 - 310.
Agbelie, B., Roshandeh, R. M., (2015), Impacts of signal-related characteristics on crash frequency at urban signalized intersections. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 7(3), 199-207.
Agbelie, B., Labi, S., Noureldin, S., Sinha, K.C., (2015), Linking interstate pavement preservation investment to performance - an exploratory aggregate analysis. Journal of Infrastructure Systems 21(4), 04015004.