Manon Maitland Schladen serves as principal investigator on two projects in the RERC-DC: Research Project R1 and Development Project D3. She returned to Biomedical Engineering at CUA in 2021 from MedStar Health Research Institute, where she conducted rehabilitation research from 2001-2021 with concurrent appointments to the Georgetown University Medical Center Department of Rehabilitation Medicine (2015-2022) and the Washington DC Veterans Affairs Medical Center (2013-2017). Dr. Schladen received both her bachelor’s (humanities) and master’s (engineering) degrees from CUA and subsequently earned her doctorate in the College of Computing and Engineering at Nova Southeastern University. She recently completed a Craig H. Neilsen Foundation fellowship extending her training in measurement and statistics to better understand the psychosocial factors impacting the use of wearable robotic exoskeletons.
Dr. Schladen’s research interest focuses on developing and implementing interactive user-controlled technologies that can help people better track and manage their health and wellbeing across the lifespan. In the RERC-DC, Dr. Schladen studies the process of monitoring reach and grasp development in infants, the impact of a game-based, robotic ankle exercise system in the home exercise programs of children with cerebral palsy, and the role of exoskeleton technology in facilitating therapeutic hand exercise at home in adults after stroke.
Dr. Schladen has published in numerous refereed journals and serves as a peer reviewer in the domains of rehabilitation, online interventions, qualitative research, and medical education. She regularly presents her work at professional meetings, such as the Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) International Conference and at those sponsored by the American Congress of Rehabilitation, Medicine (ACRM), the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA), The Qualitative Report, and the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA). Dr. Schladen has been a regular grant review panelist for the National Institute for Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) since 2012.
Manon Maitland Schladen - CV March 2023